Shadow Falls: The Beginning: Born at Midnight and Awake at Dawn

Teen & Young Adult Mystery & Thriller Action & Adventure


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9 Books Similar to Shadow Falls: The Beginning: Born at Midnight and Awake at Dawn

Whispers at Moonrise

Shadow Falls Camp is back in session with the most explosive installment yet. A shocking new threat will rock Shadow Falls—changing it forever and altering Kylie's journey in ways she… Continue Reading Posted in: Paranormal Fiction, Teen & Young Adult Romantic Mystery eBooks, Teen & Young Adult Thrillers & Suspense (Kindle Store), Young Adult Fiction


Nora Grey's life is still far from perfect. Surviving an attempt on her life wasn't pleasant, but at least she got a guardian angel out of it. A mysterious, magnetic,… Continue Reading Posted in: Guardian Angels, Paranormal Romance Stories, Secrecy

Chosen at Nightfall

Kylie Galen's life hasn't been the same since her world was turned upside-down in Born at Midnight, Shadow Falls #1, and now an epic conclusion to her journey—not to mention… Continue Reading Posted in: Mysteries & Detectives, Paranormal & Urban, Romance

Taken at Dusk

Step into Shadow Falls, a camp for teens with supernatural powers. Here friendship thrives, love takes you by surprise, and our hearts possess the greatest magic of all.Kylie Galen wants… Continue Reading Posted in: Camps


Nora and Patch thought their troubles were behind them. Hank is gone and they should be able to put his ugly vendetta to rest. But in Hank's absence, Nora has… Continue Reading Posted in: Friendship, Paranormal Romance Stories, Young Adult Fiction

Born at Midnight

Don’t miss this spectacular new series that will steal your heart and haunt your dreams, Welcome to Shadow Falls camp, nestled deep in the woods of a town called Fallen…One… Continue Reading Posted in: Ability, Camps, Supernatural


Evie’s always thought of herself as a normal teenager, even though she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, her ex-boyfriend is a faerie, she’s falling for a shape-shifter, and… Continue Reading Posted in: Paranormal Romance Stories, Parapsychology, Young Adult Fiction


Six years ago Wendy Harper was running for her life. Jack Till, an ex-cop turned private eye, helped her disappear. Now that her ex-boyfriend and former business partner is being… Continue Reading Posted in: California Los Angeles, Detectives, Mystery, Suspense Fiction, Thriller & Suspense (Books)

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