Manga Shakespeare: Hamlet

Sequential Art

Author: Richard Appignanesi

‘Hamlet’ is part of ‘Manga Skakespeare’, a series of graphic novel adaptations of William Shakespeare’s plays…..Read More

4 Books Similar to Manga Shakespeare: Hamlet


One night on the heath, the brave and respected general Macbeth encounters three witches who foretell that he will become king of Scotland. At first sceptical, he’s urged on by… Continue Reading Posted in: Drama In English 1558 1625 Translations, English, Historical Drama, Texts

The Merchant Of Venice

This edition of The Merchant of Venice, based on a fresh examination of the early editions, includes an exceptionally lucid and accessible introduction which addresses Shakespeare's attitude toward Semitism and… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Comedies, English Literature, Italian Dramas & Plays, Juvenile Drama

Manga Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

In 'Twelfth Night', Shakespeare turned a tale of unrequited love, family dispute and fatal shipwreck into a miraculously evergreen Christmas story. At the beginning of the story, everyone is alone;… Continue Reading Posted in: Classics, Sequential Art

Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Contemplates the misfortunes of old age, and celebrates the joys of being in love. This work tells of an unnamed second-rate reporter who on the eve of his ninetieth birthday… Continue Reading Posted in: British Literature, Caribbean & Latin American Literature, Colombian Fiction, Psychology, Sexual Behavior

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