A Dirty Job


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7 Books Similar to A Dirty Job

You Suck: A Love Story

Being undead sucks. Literally. Just ask C. Thomas Flood. Waking up after a fantastic night unlike anything he's ever experienced, he discovers that his girlfriend, Jody, is a vampire. And… Continue Reading

Fight Like A Girl

Personal and fearless - a call to arms for feminists new, old and as yet unrealised by one of our most outspoken feminist writers.,,'With wit, insight and glorious, righteous rage,… Continue Reading

Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings

Just why do humpback whales sing? That's the question that has marine behavioral biologist Nate Quinn and his crew poking, charting, recording, and photographing very big, wet, gray marine mammals.… Continue Reading Posted in: Humorous Stories, Marine Biologists, Midlife Crisis

Practical Demonkeeping

In Christopher Moore's ingenious debut novel, we meet one of the most memorably mismatched pairs in the annals of literature. The good-looking one is one-hundred-year-old ex-seminarian and "roads" scholar Travis… Continue Reading Posted in: Demonology, Fantasy Fiction, Humorous Stories

V For Vendetta

Originally published in 1990 V for Vendetta is a frightening and powerful story about the loss of freedom in a totalitarian England. Written against a background of third term Thatcherism… Continue Reading Posted in: English, Science Fiction, Strip Cartoons, United States

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove

The town psychiatrist has decided to switch everybody in Pine Cove, California, from their normal antidepressants to placebos, so naturally—well, to be accurate, artificially—business is booming at the local blues… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, Humorous Stories

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