A Separate Reality: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Occult & Paranormal

Author: Carlos Castaneda

A man of knowledge is free…he has no honor, no dignity, no family, no home, no country, but only life to be lived. –don Juan In 1961 a young anthropologist subjected himself to an extraordinary apprenticeship to bring back a fascinating glimpse of a Yaqui Indian’s world of “non-ordinary reality” & the difficult and dangerous road a person must travel to become “a man….Read More

6 Books Similar to A Separate Reality: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

In the cloud-washed airspace between the cornfields of Illinois and blue infinity, a man puts his faith in the propeller of his biplane. For disillusioned writer and itinerant barnstormer Richard… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Indiana, Metaphysics, Occult Spiritualism


U.S.A. is by American writer John Dos Passos, being The 42nd Parallel (1930), Nineteen Nineteen ('32) & The Big Money ('36). They were first published as a volume in '38… Continue Reading Posted in: Classics, Fiction, Literature

The Power of Myth

Joseph Campbell, who died on October 31, 1987, was the world's foremost authority on mythology, a preeminent scholar, writer, and teacher whose work has had a profound influence on millions.… Continue Reading Posted in: Interviews, Myths, United States

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance caused a sensation when it was first published in 1974.The story of the narrator, his son Chris and their month-long motorcycle odyssey from… Continue Reading Posted in: Biography, Fiction, Journeys

Provinces of Night

It's 1952, and E.F. Bloodworth is finally coming home to Ackerman's Field, Tennessee. Itinerant banjo picker and volatile vagrant, he's been gone ever since he gunned down a deputy thirty… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Fiction, Gothic

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