Against Nature

Art History

Author: Joris-Karl Huysmans

With a title translated either as Against Nature or as Against The Grain, this wildly original fin-de-siècle novel follows its sole character, Des Esseintes, a decadent, ailing aristocrat who retreats to an isolated villa where he indulges his taste for luxury and excess. Veering between nervous excitability and debilitating ennui, he gluts his aesthetic appetites with cla….Read More

11 Books Similar to Against Nature


Lilia wakes up one morning to discover that her marriage is not what it seemed. Marc cannot face his empty apartment after the loss of his beloved. Ferda struggles with… Continue Reading Posted in: Asian Literature, Cultural, Food and Drink

The Damned

Joris-Karl Huysmans' shocking novel of an innocent's descent into a world of depraved, blasphemous rituals, The Damned (Là-Bas) caused a scandal when it was first published in nineteenth-century France. This… Continue Reading Posted in: Cultural, Fiction, Horror

Eroticism (Modern Classics)

A librarian, pornographer & fervent Catholic who came to regard the brothels of Paris as his true 'churches', Georges Bataille ranks among the boldest and most disturbing of 20th-century thinkers.… Continue Reading Posted in: Nonfiction, Philosophy

Swann’s Way

In the opening volume of Proust's great novel, the narrator travels backwards in time in order to tell the story of a love affair that had taken place before his… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Graphic Novels, Literature & Fiction, Social Life And Customs

The Immoralist

"The humanist has four leading characteristics - curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and a belief in the human race - and all four are present in Gide… Continue Reading Posted in: Honeymoons, LGBT Classic Fiction, LGBT Literary Fiction, Married Men, Psychology

The Wall and Other Stories

In the five stories included in this collection - "The Wall," "The Room," "Erostratus," "Intimacy" and "The Childhood of a Leader" - the French master of Existentialism displays his powers… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Family, French Literature, Jean Paul, Mur (Sartre, Short Stories

The Rebel

A philosophical exploration of the idea of 'rebellion' by one of the leading existentialist thinkers, Albert Camus' The Rebel looks at artistic and political rebels throughout history, from Epicurus to… Continue Reading Posted in: Social Change, Social Disorganisation, Translations Into English

Silas Marner

Gentle linen weaver Silas Marner is wrongly accused of a heinous theft, and he exiles himself from the world - until he finds redemption and spiritual rebirth through his unselfish… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Historical Fiction, George), Historical Literary Fiction, Male Weavers, Pastoral Fiction, Silas Marner (Eliot

Against Nature

With a title translated either as Against Nature or as Against The Grain, this wildly original fin-de-siècle novel follows its sole character, Des Esseintes, a decadent, ailing aristocrat who retreats… Continue Reading Posted in: 1859 1939, Art, Art History, Bibliography, Ellis, French, French Literature, Havelock

The Flowers of Evil

The Flowers of Evil, which T.S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Charles, Fleurs Du Mal (Baudelaire, French Literature, French Poetry, Literature

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