Atheism: The Case Against God

Author: George H. Smith
Does a god exist? This question has undoubtedly been asked, in one form or another, since man has had the ability to communicate. . . Thousands of volumes have been written on the subject of a god, and the vast majority have answered the questions with a resounding ‘Yes!’ “, , “You are about to read a minority viewpoint.”, , With this intriguing introduction, George H. Smith sets….Read More
7 Books Similar to Atheism: The Case Against God

The End of Faith
In "The End of Faith", Sam Harris delivers a startling analysis of the clash between reason and religion in the modern world. He offers a vivid, historical tour of our… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Controversial Literature, Reason
God: The Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist
Throughout history, arguments for and against the existence of God have been largely confined to philosophy and theology. In the meantime, science has sat on the sidelines and quietly watched… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Creationism, Proof, Science & Religion
Breaking The Spell: Religion As A Natural Phenomenon
An innovative thinker tackles the controversial question of why we believe in God and how religion shapes our lives and our future For a growing number of people, there is… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Controversial Literature
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
>With his unique brand of erudition and wit, Hitchens describes the ways in which religion is man-made. "God did not make us," he says. "We made God." He explains the… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Controversial Literature, Religion And Social Problems
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