Broca’s Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science

Author: Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan, writer & scientist, returns from the frontier to tell us about how the world works. In his delightfully down-to-earth style, he explores & explains a mind-boggling future of intelligent robots, extraterrestrial life & its consquences, & other provocative, fascinating quandries of the future we want to see today…..Read More
6 Books Similar to Broca’s Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science

The Ascent of Man
Lauded by critics & devoured by readers, this companion to the BBC series traces the development of science as an expression of the special gifts that characterize humans & make… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Cultural Anthropology, History, History & Philosophy of Science, Science And Civilization
The God Delusion
The God Delusion caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner… Continue Reading Posted in: Atheism, Bibliography, Controversial Literature, Proof
Unweaving the Rainbow
Did Newton "unweave the rainbow" by reducing it to its prismatic colors, as Keats contended? Did he, in other words, diminish beauty? Far from it, says acclaimed scientist Richard Dawkins;… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Philosophy, Science Essays & Commentary
La novela trata sobre lo que podría ser el contacto con una cultura extraterrestre inteligente, sobre cómo se vería afectada la especie humana al conocer que no estamos solos en… Continue Reading Posted in: Exploration, Outer Space, Women Scientists
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
How can we make intelligent decisions about our increasingly technology-driven lives if we don’t understand the difference between the myths of pseudoscience and the testable hypotheses of science? Pulitzer Prize-winning… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Parapsychology, Popular Works
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