Foucault’s Pendulum

Metaphysical Fiction

Author: Umberto Eco

Three book editors, jaded by reading far too many crackpot manuscripts on the mystic and the occult, are inspired by an extraordinary conspiracy story told to them by a strange colonel to have some fun. They start feeding random bits of information into a powerful computer capable of inventing connections between the entries, thinking they are creating nothing more than an….Read More

11 Books Similar to Foucault’s Pendulum

Schrodinger’s Cat Trilogy

The Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy is a series of novels by Robert Anton Wilson, each illustrating a different interpretation of quantum physics. Coauthor of The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Schrödinger's Cat is a… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Fantasy Anthologies & Short Stories, Science Fiction Anthologies, United States


The Barnes & Noble ReviewKnown primarily for the internationally bestselling medieval mystery The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco returns to that complex time period with a tale that's at… Continue Reading Posted in: 1202 1204, Crusades (Fourth, Fourth, Historical Fiction

The Island of the Day Before

The year is 1643. Roberto, a young nobleman, survives war, the Bastille, exile and shipwreck as he voyages to a Pacific island straddling the date meridian. There he waits now,… Continue Reading Posted in: Historical Australian & Oceanian Fiction, Historical Italian Fiction, Italian Literature, Translated From Italian, Translations Into English

The History of Sexuality, Volume 2: The Use of Pleasure

In this sequel to The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, the brilliantly original French thinker who died in 1984 gives an analysis of how the ancient Greeks perceived… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Seksualiteit, Sexual Ethics

The Name of the Rose

Discover Umberto Eco’s masterpiece, a medieval detective murder mystery. The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to… Continue Reading Posted in: Church History, Didactic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Historical Mystery

Our Dumb Century: One Hundred Years of America’s Finest News Source

A fugitive Richard Nixon dies in a shootout with police in 1974; Al Capone's reign of tax-evading terror is finally brought to an end in 1931; Michael Jackson melts to… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Political Humor, Political Satire, Twentieth Century, United States History


Ficciones es quizás el libro más famoso de Jorge Luis Borges, con el que obtuvo en 1961 el importante Premio Formentor. Obra imprescindible en la literatura contemporánea, sus cuentos pertenecen… Continue Reading Posted in: Argentine Fiction, Classic American Fiction, Classic Short Stories, Short Stories, Spanish, Spanish Fiction

The Castle of Crossed Destinies

A group of travellers chance to meet, first in a castle, then a tavern. Their powers of speech are magically taken from them and instead they have only tarot cards… Continue Reading Posted in: Experimental Fiction, Italian Fiction, Nonverbal Communication

The Volcano Lover

Nápoles, 1772. A segunda cidade da Europa, magnífica, encimada pelas constantes erupções do seu famoso vulcão. Um nobre inglês, o embaixador britânico no Reino das Duas Sicílias, regressa à sua… Continue Reading Posted in: Admirals, Fiction, Historical Biographical Fiction, Historical Italian Fiction, Naples

The Light of the World

In The Light of the World, Elizabeth Alexander finds herself at an existential crossroads after the sudden death of her husband. Channeling her poetic sensibilities into a rich, lucid prose,… Continue Reading Posted in: African American Women Poets, African-American & Black Biographies, Biographies & Memoirs, Educator Biographies, Parenting & Relationships

Wind, Sand, and Stars

Both a gripping tale of adventure and a poetic meditation, Antoine de Saint Exupéry's Wind, Sand and Stars is the lyrical autobiography of an aviation pioneer, from the author of… Continue Reading Posted in: 1900 1944, Antoine De, Aviation & Nautical Biographies, Biography, Saint Exupã©Ry, Studies, Teen & Young Adult Biography eBooks

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