
Dark Humor

Author: Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Pay attention please to the life of Walter F. Starbuck. Nineteen-hundred and Thirteen gave him the gift of life. Nineteenth-hundred and Thirty-one sent him to Harvard. Nineteen-hundred and Thirty-eight got him a job in the federal government. Nineteen-hundred and Seventy gave him a job in the Nixon White House. Nineteen-hundred and Seventy-five sent him to prison for his p….Read More

13 Books Similar to Jailbird


Conspirators plot to explode a train carrying nerve gas. A perfect servant suddenly reveals himself to be the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. Science-fantasy wars, racism, corporate capitalism, drug addiction, and… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Humorous Science Fiction, Metaphysical & Visionary Fiction, Science Fiction

Deadeye Dick

Deadeye Dick is Kurt Vonnegut’s funny, chillingly satirical look at the death of innocence. Amid a true Vonnegutian host of horrors—a double murder, a fatal dose of radioactivity, a decapitation,… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction In English American Writers 1945 Texts, Neutron Bomb, United States

Hocus Pocus

Alternative cover of this ISBN here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2... Hocus Pocus is the fictional autobiography of a West Point graduate who was in charge of the humiliating evacuation of U.S. personnel from… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic American Literature, English Fiction, Humorous Fiction, Satire


Book description to come. Continue Reading Posted in: English Literature, United States


The human survivors of the nature cruise of the century, are quietly evolving into sleek, furry creatures with flippers and small brains. All other forms of humankind have ceased to… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Humor Fiction, English Fiction, Ghost Stories, Literary Satire Fiction, United States


Broad humor and bitter irony collide in this fictional autobiography of Rabo Karabekian, who, at age seventy-one, wants to be left alone on his Long Island estate with the secret… Continue Reading Posted in: Authorship, Fiction

The Curse of Lono

A wild ride to the dark side of Americana The Curse of Lono is to Hawaii what Fear and Loathing was to Las Vegas: the crazy tales of a journalist's… Continue Reading Posted in: Biography, Description And Travel, United States

Player Piano

Alternate cover edition located here.Vonnegut's spins the chilling tale of  engineer Paul Proteus, who must find a way to live  in a world dominated by a supercomputer and run  completely by machines. Continue Reading Posted in: Analysis, Appreciation, Classic American Literature, Computers & Internet Humor, Player Piano Music, United States

Mother Night

A companion novel to "Slaughterhouse 5", covering similar themes and drawing on the author's experiences as a prisoner of war in Dresden. A black satire, it tells of an American… Continue Reading Posted in: Contemporary, Literature & Fiction

The Sirens of Titan

The Sirens of Titan is an outrageous romp through space, time, and morality. The richest, most depraved man on Earth, Malachi Constant, is offered a chance to take a space… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fantasy Fiction, Literary Collections

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