
Literary Fiction

Author: Julian Stockwin

Thomas Kydd, a wig-maker from Guildford, is seized by the press gang, to be a part of the crew of the 98-gun line-of-battle ship. The ship sails immediately and Kydd has to learn the realities of shipboard life fast. Despite all that he goes through in danger of tempest and battle, he comes to admire the skills and courage of the seamen…..Read More

3 Books Similar to Kydd

The Mauritius Command

In The Mauritius Command, Captain Jack Aubrey is ashore on half-pay without a command until his friend, surgeon and secret agent Stephen Maturin arrives with secret orders for Aubrey to… Continue Reading Posted in: Literature, Sea Stories, Seafaring Life

Desolation Island

Commissioned to rescue Governor Bligh of Bounty fame, Captain Jack Aubrey and his friend and surgeon, Stephen Maturin sail the Leopard to Australia with a hold full of convicts. Among… Continue Reading Posted in: Contemporary Literature & Fiction, Fiction, Great Britain, Literature

Dream Fossil: The Complete Stories of Satoshi Kon

Dream Fossil is a collection of 15 short stories by the late Satoshi Kon. These stories, serialized in a variety of magazines in the 1980's, give a rare glimpse into… Continue Reading Posted in: Sequential Art

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