Sky of Swords:: A Tale of the King’s Blades (Tale of the King’s Blades (Paperback))

Author: Dave Duncan

The mightiest swordsmen in the realm, are bound by magic to defend their noble wards…to the death.,,The King’s Blades,,The unloved child of the unscrupulous King Ambrose,Princess Malinda learned at an early age to fight for what was rightfully hers. Now, with the Kings abrupt death, civil war has become her grim destiny. Making her uncertain way through the blood labyrinth o….Read More

7 Books Similar to Sky of Swords:: A Tale of the King’s Blades (Tale of the King’s Blades (Paperback))

The Gilded Chain

As unwanted and rebellious boys, they find refuge in Ironhall....Years later they emerge as the finest swordsmen in the realm—A magical ritual of a sword through the heart binds each… Continue Reading Posted in: Canadian, Fantasy Fiction, Swordplay

A Song For Arbonne

A stunning historical fantasy of love, war and political intrigues, the author's favourite of his own books. Arbonne is a lush, fertile land near the sea, and its people revere… Continue Reading Posted in: Canadian, Fantasy Fiction, Science Fiction

Impossible Odds

Elite warrior swordsmen, they are unequalled in any time or realm . . .The King's BladesThe King has decreed that new Blades must be sworn into the service of the… Continue Reading Posted in: King's Blades (Fictitious Characters), Swordsmen

First Rider’s Call

GHOSTLY RIDERSKarigan G'ladheon had been a Green Rider, one of the king of Sacoridia's elite magical messengers. Being a Green Rider was more perilous than Karigan had ever imagined, for… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, Magic

Green Rider

On her long journey home from school after a fight which will surely lead to her expulsion, Karigan G'ladheon ponders her future as she trudges through the immense forest called… Continue Reading Posted in: Imaginary Places, Literature, Magic

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