The Harlot by the Side of the Road: Forbidden Tales of the Bible

King David: The Real Life of the Man Who Ruled Israel (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

Author: Jonathan Kirsch

“The stories you are about to read are some of the most violent and sexually explicit in all of Western literature. They are tales of human passion in all of its infinite variety: adultery, seduction, incest, rape, mutilation, assassination, torture, sacrifice, and murder. . . .”Sex. Violence. Scandal. These are words we rarely associate with the sacred text of the Bible…..Read More

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The Book of Insults, Ancient & Modern: An Amiable History of Insult, Invective, Imprecation & Incivility (Literary, Political & Historical) Hurled Through the Ages & Compiled as a Public Service

Throughout the centuries, men and women have exercised their highest powers of imagination and wit in speaking ill of one another. This delightful collection of impudent wit and verbal abuse… Continue Reading Posted in: Humor, Invective

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