The Stainless Steel Rat’s Revenge

Author: Harry Harrison
DiGriz and Angelina are happily married and expecting the birth of their sons. The planet Cliaand is waging interstellar war, and against the odds, its Grey Men are invading and taking over planet after planet. The Rat is sent to Cliaand to start a one-man guerrilla campaign to put a stop to the plans of the planet’s leader, Kraj. He is aided by the Amazons, a force of lib….Read More
11 Books Similar to The Stainless Steel Rat’s Revenge

The Stainless Steel Rat for President
Rat in Paradise!You can't keep a good rat down, not one as slippery as Jim diGriz alias the Stainless Steel Rat. And you can't keep this nose out of trouble… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fiction In English
The Radiant Warrior Omnibus
One moment Conrad Schwartz was suffering from a severe hangover as he hiked through the mountains of present-day Poland, the next he was running for his life from an angry… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, Science Fiction, Space Operas, Time Travel
The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World
The villainous He has travelled back in time to mankind's distant past on the legendary planet Earth (or 'Dirt') of 1984, where he is altering events so that people who… Continue Reading Posted in: American, English Fiction, Humorous Stories, Science Fiction
The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted
The 25th century's most outrageous outlaw is back - and this time it means war! "Slippery Jim" diGriz, better known as the Stainless Steel Rat, is seeking revenge for the… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers
The World of Ptavvs
Larry Greenberg's telepathic tendencies had been trained and developed to a critical level. The trouble was that if these psychic interchanges were strong enough, a man could end up not… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Science Fiction
The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You!
Slippery Jim di Griz - the Stainless Steel Rat - is still recovering from his efforts to save his beloved Angelina from the notorious Interstellar Internal and External Revenue when… Continue Reading Posted in: Adventure, Humor & Satire
The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues
The latest installment in the hilarious, bestselling series Kirkus calls "a splendid romp". Ths Stainless Steel Rat--the 25th century's most canny criminal--is handed an unusual sentence in exchange for his… Continue Reading Posted in: Digriz, English Fiction, James Bolivar (Fictitious Character)
Have Space Suit, Will Travel
A high school senior wins a space suit in a soap jingle contest, takes a last walk wearing "Oscar" before cashing him in for college tuition, and suddenly finds himself… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Fiction In English Novels 1900 Texts, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Adventure, Science Fiction: Fiction, Space Marine Science Fiction eBooks
Grey Lensman
The action in Gray Lensman picks up immediately where Galactic Patrol left off, in the middle of the battle to destroy Helmuth's Main Base and, it is hoped, fully end… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Fiction In English 1900 Texts
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