The Surgeon’s Mate

Sea Stories

Author: Patrick O’Brian

Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are ordered home by despatch vessel to bring the news of their latest victory to the government. But Maturin is a marked man for the havoc he has wrought in the French intelligence network in the New World, and the attentions of two privateers soon become menacing.The chase that follows through the fogs and shallows of the Grand Banks is as….Read More

10 Books Similar to The Surgeon’s Mate

The Fortune of War

Captain Jack Aubrey arrives in the Dutch East Indies to find himself appointed to the command of the fastest and best-armed frigate in the Navy. He and his friend, the… Continue Reading Posted in: Literature, Sea Stories, Ship Physicians

Midshipman Bolitho: “Richard Bolitho – Midshipman” and “Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger”

Two novels in one volume: the first, Richard Bolitho - Midshipman begins in Portsmouth in October 1772, where young Richard Bolitho is waiting to join the Gorgon; the second, Midshipman… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Great Britain. Royal Navy, History

The Ionian Mission

Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, veterans of many battles, return in this novel to the seas where they first sailed as shipmates. But Jack is now a senior Captain commanding… Continue Reading Posted in: Literature, Sea Adventures Fiction, Sea Stories, Ship Captains

Desolation Island

Commissioned to rescue Governor Bligh of Bounty fame, Captain Jack Aubrey and his friend and surgeon, Stephen Maturin sail the Leopard to Australia with a hold full of convicts. Among… Continue Reading Posted in: Contemporary Literature & Fiction, Fiction, Great Britain, Literature

Mr. Midshipman Hornblower

A shy and lonely 17-year-old, Horatio Hornblower, embarks on a memorable career in Nelson's navy as a midshipman on board H.M.S. Justinian. In action, adventure and battle he is forged… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Horatio (Fictitious Character), Hornblower, Sound Recordings

Hornblower During the Crisis

The final Horatio Hornblower story tells of Napoleon's plans to invade England. Set in 1805, Hornblower and the Crisis finds Horatio Hornblower in possession of confidential dispatches from Bonaparte after… Continue Reading Posted in: Great Britain, Napoleonic Wars (1800 1815)

The Mauritius Command

In The Mauritius Command, Captain Jack Aubrey is ashore on half-pay without a command until his friend, surgeon and secret agent Stephen Maturin arrives with secret orders for Aubrey to… Continue Reading Posted in: Literature, Sea Stories, Seafaring Life

Sharpe’s Revenge

In 1814 the defeat of Napolean seems imminent - if the well-protected city of Toulouse can be conquered. Old enemy Pierre Ducos, gets Sharpe accused of stealing Napolean's personal treasure.… Continue Reading Posted in: 1800 1815, Battle Of (France : 1814), Historical Fantasy Fiction, Historical Fiction, Historical French Fiction, Napoleonic Wars, Toulouse

The Complete Short Stories

Before he trailed off into the wilds of Mexico, never to be heard from again, Ambrose Bierce achieved a public persona as "bitter Bierce" and "the devil's lexicographer." He left… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Horror, Short Stories

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