Thirty-Three Teeth

Anarchy and Old Dogs (Dr. Siri Mysteries Book 4)

Author: Colin Cotterill

Dr. Siri Paiboun, one of the last doctors left in Laos after the Communist takeover, has been drafted to be national coroner. He is untrained for the job, but this independent seventy-two-year-old has an outstanding qualification for the role: curiosity. And he does not mind incurring the wrath of the party’s hierarchy as he unravels mysterious murders, because the spirits….Read More

2 Books Similar to Thirty-Three Teeth

The Coroner’s Lunch

Laos, 1978: Dr. Siri Paiboun, a 72-year-old medical doctor, has been unwillingly appointed the national coroner of newly-socialist Laos. Though his lab is underfunded, his boss is incompetent, and his… Continue Reading Posted in: Detective And Mystery Stories, Fiction, Hmong (Asian People)

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