The Ruby Knight (The Elenium)


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13 Books Similar to The Ruby Knight (The Elenium)

The Diamond Throne

After a long spell of exile, Sparhawk, Pandion Knight and the Queen's champion returns to native land to find it overrun with evil and intrigue - and his young queen… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Fantasy, United States

Demon Lord of Karanda

In this third book of The Malloreon, Garion, Belgarath and their friends follow the quest begun in Guardians of the West and continued in King of the Murgos. It will… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fiction In English

Guardians of the West

Warned by the prophecy that a new and greater danger threatens the lands of the west, Garion, Belgarath and Polgara must begin another quest to save the lands from great… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Prophecies

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