A Short Gentleman

European Literature

Author: Jon Canter

How did Robert Purcell, distinguished barrister and perfect specimen of the British Establishment, end up in prison? An intellectual giant but an emotional pygmy, Robert is a man struggling to come to terms with the forces that have brought him down, from the wife who wanted him to change, to the ex-girlfriend who came back to haunt him and the childhood bully who turned i….Read More

4 Books Similar to A Short Gentleman

The Psychology of Time Travel

1967: Four female scientists invent a time-travel machine. They are on the cusp of fame: the pioneers who opened the world to new possibilities. But then one of them suffers… Continue Reading


"Woe to the rash mortal who seeks to know that of which he should remain ignorant; and to undertake that which surpasseth his power!",One of the strangest and most unforgettable… Continue Reading Posted in: Classics, Gothic, Horror


Transcription is a bravura novel of extraordinary power and substance. Juliet Armstrong is recruited as a young woman by an obscure wartime department of the Secret Service. In the aftermath… Continue Reading Posted in: British & Irish Literary Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Historical British Fiction

Olive Kitteridge

At times stern, at other times patient, at times perceptive, at other times in sad denial, Olive Kitteridge, a retired schoolteacher, deplores the changes in her little town of Crosby,… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literature & Fiction, Fiction, Maine, Women Teachers

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