Beast (Windsor Selections S )

Suspense Thrillers


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A summertime story only Elin Hilderbrand can tell: a family in upheaval after a cancelled wedding fill an island summer with heartache, laughter, and surprises. Birdie Cousins has thrown herself… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Intergenerational Relations, Vacations

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Now in mass-market paperback from the national bestselling author of The Troopwhich Stephen King raved '...scared the hell out of me and I couldn't put it down...old-school horror at its… Continue Reading Posted in: Genetic Engineering Science Fiction eBooks, Horror Suspense, North Pacific Ocean Mariana Trench, Ocean Bottom


Smashing together, they crush bones and flesh and organs into jelly.The jaws of a giant killer shark that terrorizes a small holiday resort on Long Island.Private feuds, lusts and jealousies… Continue Reading Posted in: Marine Biologists, Psychological Thrillers, Suspense Action Fiction, Suspense Fiction, United States

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