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5 Books Similar to Cats

The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This vivid biography, written by John Dickson Carr, a giant in the field of mystery fiction, benefits from his full access to the archives of the eminent Sir Arthur Conan… Continue Reading Posted in: British & Irish Literary Criticism (Books)

Miki Falls, Volume 4: Winter

Can love survive?It's winter, and a bitter chill of desperation has settled over Miki and Hiro. Far from home, the young couple treks through the frozen north, with Akuzu's powerful… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Manga, Graphic Novels, Science Fiction Manga, Secrecy, Young Adult Fiction

Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasantry

Treasury of 64 tales invites readers into the shadowy, twilight world of Celtic myth and legend. Mischievous fairy people, murderous giants, priests, devils, and druids star in such stories as 'The Soul… Continue Reading Posted in: Folklore & Mythology

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