Doctor Who and the Web of Fear

Author: Terrance Dicks
The TARDIS is engulfed by a mysterious web-like substance in space. Breaking free, the Doctor and his companions Jamie and Victoria land in the London Underground system. But a spreading killer mist has meant that London has been evacuated. The Great Intelligence is back – and its robot Yeti are roaming the streets and the underground tunnels.,,The Doctor, Jamie, and Victor….Read More
8 Books Similar to Doctor Who and the Web of Fear

Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead
Heralding the multi-platform Time Lord Victorious project, The Knight, the Fool and the Dead is a pulsating adventure that pitches the Doctor back into the Ancient Days and a deadly… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Media Tie In, Science Fiction
Doctor Who: Horror of Fang Rock: The BBC Full-Cast Television Soundtrack Starring Tom Baker
Fang Rock Lighthouse stands somewhere off the South Coast of England in the early 1900s. Its three keepers have lately noticed a strange fog, and one has seen an eerie… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Media Tie In, Science Fiction
Matthew's parents are worried. At eleven, he's much too old to have an imaginary friend, yet they find him talking to and arguing with a presence that even he admits… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Stories, English, Literary Satire Fiction, Readers (Elementary), Science Fiction, Science Fiction Short Stories
Doctor Who And The Visitation
Matthew Waterhouse reads this thrilling novelisation of a classic Doctor Who adventure,,Tegan, the young air hostess who quite unintentionally became a member of the TARDIS's crew, wants to return to… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Media Tie In, Science Fiction
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks
The Time Lords have a mission for the Doctor. Together with Sarah and Harry, he finds himself stranded on the war-torn planet Skaro where the conflict between the Thals and… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Media Tie In, Science Fiction
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