
Author: Matt Ridley

The genome is our 100,000 or so genes. The genome is the collective recipe for the building and running of the human body. These 100,000 genes are sited across 23 pairs of chromosomes. Genome, a book of about 100,000 words, is divided into 23 chapters, a chapter for each chromosome. The first chromosome, for example, contains our oldest genes, genes which we have in common….Read More

9 Books Similar to Genome

Unweaving the Rainbow

Did Newton "unweave the rainbow" by reducing it to its prismatic colors, as Keats contended? Did he, in other words, diminish beauty? Far from it, says acclaimed scientist Richard Dawkins;… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Philosophy, Science Essays & Commentary

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature

Referring to Lewis Carroll's Red Queen from Through the Looking-Glass, a character who has to keep running to stay in the same place, Matt Ridley demonstrates why sex is humanity's… Continue Reading Posted in: Sex (Biology), Sex Customs, Social Behaviour

The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

Life is getting better—and at an accelerating rate. Food availability, income, and life span are up; disease, child mortality, and violence are down — all across the globe. Though the… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Economic History, Evolution, Society, Well Being

In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind

Nobel Prize winner Kandel intertwines cogntive psychology, neuroscience, and molecular biology with his own quest to understand memory. Continue Reading Posted in: Eric Richard, Kandel, Memory [Mesh], Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Neuroscience


The genome is our 100,000 or so genes. The genome is the collective recipe for the building and running of the human body. These 100,000 genes are sited across 23… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Human Gene Mapping, Popular Works

Consciousness Explained

In Consciousness Explained, Daniel C. Dennett reveals the secrets of one of the last remaining mysteries of the universe: the human brain.Daniel C. Dennett's now-classic book blends philosophy, psychology and… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Poetry, Selection (Genetics)

River Out of Eden

The river of Dawkins's title is a river of DNA, flowing through time from the beginning of life on earth to the present - and onwards. Dawkins explains that DNA… Continue Reading Posted in: Nonfiction, Science

Долорес Клейборн

Убийцы не монстры и не нелюди, не жуткие выродки. Они живут среди нас, кажутся обычными людьми, и ничто в них до поры до времени не предвещает грядущего кошмара. Почему же… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Horror, Thriller

The Selfish Gene

Inheriting the mantle of revolutionary biologist from Darwin, Watson, and Crick, Richard Dawkins forced an enormous change in the way we see ourselves and the world with the publication of… Continue Reading Posted in: Animal Behaviour, Animal Evolution & Human Evolution Animal Genetics & Human Genetics, Animals, Habits And Behavior Of

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