Half Upon a Time

Children's Humor


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6 Books Similar to Half Upon a Time

Once Upon a Marigold

Christian is gaga for Princess Marigold. But he's just a commoner, and no match for royalty. Heck, he lives in a cave with a troll! And now he's discovered another… Continue Reading

The Frog Princess

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Dragon Slippers

Poor Creel. She can't believe her aunt wants to sacrifice her to the local dragon. It's a ploy to lure a heroic knight so that he will fight the dragon,… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Action & Adventure Books (Books), Children's Dragon, Dressmakers, Fantasy, Unicorn & Mythical Stories

The Last Dragon

When the last dragon and the last elf break the circle, the past and the future will meet, and the sun of a new summer will shine in the sky.In… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Animals Books, Children's Dragon, Dragons, Fantasy Fiction, Unicorn & Mythical Stories

The Land of Stories: The Wishing SpellTHE LAND OF STORIES

Alex and Conner Bailey's world is about to change....Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, twins Alex and Connor leave their world behind and find themselves in… Continue Reading Posted in: Characters And Characteristics, Children's Stories, Fantasy Fiction

The Name of This Book Is Secret

Read the series that's sold more than 2 million copies--if you dare!Warning: this description has not been authorized by Pseudonymous Bosch. As much as he'd love to sing the praises… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Stories, Juvenile Fiction, Magicians

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