I, Robot

Author: Isaac Asimov

l, ROBOT, In these stories, Isaac Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age., , When Earth is ruled by master-machines. When robots are more human than mankind., , But an insane telepathic robot results from a production error; a robot assembled in space logically deduces its superiority to non-rational humanity; and when machines serve mankind rather tha….Read More

18 Books Similar to I, Robot

The Naked Sun

A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. On the beautiful Outer… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Space Colonies, United States

Caliban Cove

In the aftermath of their ordeal through the Umbrella Corporation's genetic research facility, the surviving members of the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad (S.T.A.R.S.) attempt to warn the world about… Continue Reading Posted in: Horror Tales, Science Fiction Short Stories, United States, Vampire Thrillers, Young Adult Fiction


For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme. Now it is dying. But only Hari Seldon, creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory, can see into the future… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Space Warfare

The Caves of Steel

A millennium into the future two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. Isaac Asimov's Robot novels… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Murder, United States


As our heroes get closer to the truth behind the conspiracy, they storm a vast underground lab in the desert, hoping to find a way to stop the experiments of… Continue Reading Posted in: Science Fiction, Umbrella Corporation (Imaginary Organization), Vampire Horror, Vampire Thrillers

Foundation and Empire

paperback, vg Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fiction In English, Science Fiction

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

It was January 2021, and Rick Deckard had a license to kill.Somewhere among the hordes of humans out there, lurked several rogue androids. Deckard's assignment--find them and then..."retire" them. Trouble… Continue Reading Posted in: Deckard, Life On Other Planets, Rick (Fictitious Character), Student Collection

Second Foundation

So far the Foundation was safe. But there was a hidden Second Foundation to protect the first. The Mule has yet to find it, but he was getting closer all… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Contemporary Literature & Fiction, Fiction In English, Science & Math, Science Fiction

The Robots of Dawn

Elijah Baley has faced Departmental hostility since his return to Earth from the planet Solaria, where he solved the first murder to be committed in 200 years. Against his will,… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Robots

The Time Machine

“I’ve had a most amazing time....”So begins the Time Traveller’s astonishing firsthand account of his journey 800,000 years beyond his own era—and the story that launched H.G. Wells’s successful career… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Action & Adventure, Dystopias, English Language, H. G.), Science Fiction Adventures, Time Machine (Wells

Zero Hour

BEFORE THE MANSION.BEFORE THE DISASTER.EVIL IS BORN.Sent to investigate a series of grisly murders in Raccoon City, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team scrambles into action. On the way to the scene, Bravo's… Continue Reading Posted in: Epidemics, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Short Stories, Vampire Thrillers, Zombies

Foundation and Earth

Golan Trevize, former Councilman of the First Foundation, has chosen the future, and it is Gaia. A superorganism, Gaia is a holistic planet with a common consciousness so intensely united… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Classic Science Fiction eBooks, Fiction In English, Hard Science Fiction, Life On Other Planets


Hoping to hide evidence of their unethical and immoral genetic experiments, the Umbrella Corporation unleashes mercenary teams and an updated version of its Tyrant-class killing machines - a lethal creature… Continue Reading Posted in: Genetics Research, Science Fiction, Vampire Horror, Vampire Thrillers

Robots and Empire

Long after his humiliating defeat at the hands of Earthman Elijah Baley, Keldon Amadiro embarked on a plan to destroy planet Earth. But even after his death, Baley's vision continued… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Baley, Elijah (Fictitious Character), Fiction In English

Foundation’s Edge

At last, the costly and bitter war between the two Foundations has come to an end. The scientists of the First Foundation have proved victorious; and now they return to… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fiction In English, Hari (Fictitious Character), Seldon

Stranger In A Strange Land

NAME: Valentine Michael SmithANCESTRY: HumanORIGIN: MarsValentine Michael Smith is a human being raised on Mars, newly returned to Earth. Among his people for the first time, he struggles to understand… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literature & Fiction, English Fiction, Sects, United States

The Complete Robot

THE COMPLETE ROBOT is the definitive anthology of Asimov's stunning visions of a robotic future… In these stories, Isaac Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the… Continue Reading Posted in: English, English Fiction, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Adventures, United States

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