La ley de los varones


Author: Maurice Druon

Junio de 1316. Tras un corto y catastrófico reinado, Luis X acaba de morir envenenado. Han pasado solo dieciocho meses de la muerte de su padre, Felipe el Hermoso. Por primera vez desde hace trescientos años, un rey de Francia desaparece sin dejar un heredero varón. La corona puede ir a la cabeza de una niña de cinco años, sospechosa de bastardía, hija del primer matrimoni….Read More

7 Books Similar to La ley de los varones

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Still a basic and indespensible account of the Palestinian question, updated to include the most recent developments in the Middle East- from the intifada to the Gulf war to the… Continue Reading Posted in: History, Nonfiction, Politics

The Command Of The Ocean: A Naval History Of Britain, 1649 1815

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La Loba de Francia

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El lápiz del carpintero

En la carcel de Santiago de Compostela, en plena Guerra Civil, un pintor dibuja el Portico de la Gloria con un lápiz de carpintero, reflejando los rostros... y aun mas,… Continue Reading Posted in: Cultural, Fiction, Historical

The Iron King

The Iron King - Philip the Fair - is as cold and silent, as handsome and unblinking as a statue. He governs his realm with an iron hand, but he… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Fiction, Historical

Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook

The coup is the most frequently attempted method of changing government & the most successful. Coup d'Etat outlines the mechanism of the coup & analyzes the conditions political, military &… Continue Reading Posted in: Coups D'ã©Tat, Handbook, History & Theory of Politics, Military History, Organisation

The Safeguard of the Sea: A Naval History of Britain, 660-1649

Throughout Britain's history, one factor above all others has determined the fate of the nation: its navy. N. A. M. Rodger's definitive account reveals how the political and social progress… Continue Reading Posted in: History, Military History, Nonfiction

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