Living, Loving & Learning

Author: Leo F. Buscaglia
LIVING, LOVING AND LEARNING is a delightful collection of Dr. Buscaglia’s informative and amusing lectures, which were delivered worldwide between 1970 and 1981. This inspirational treasure is for all those eager to accept the challenge of life and to profit from the wonder of love…..Read More
9 Books Similar to Living, Loving & Learning

Pearl Harbor
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's speech on December 8, 1941, lasted a mere six and half minutes. But his words and tone--in a monologue that would later be named the Infamy… Continue Reading Posted in: Alternative Histories (Fiction), Fiction
Meet John Gullivan, age thirteen, obsessed with the moles that dot most of his body. Meet his brother Gully, who can't stop laughing at them. Now meet the brothers ten… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Humor, Young Adult
Swimming Upstream, Slowly
After too many vodka tonics at her best friend's baby shower, twenty-seven-year-old Sasha finds herself having a ladies' room epiphany. How quickly life can change, she thinks to herself: one… Continue Reading Posted in: American Humorous Fiction, California Los Angeles, Women Television Personalities, Women's Divorce Fiction
The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision
The adventure that began with The Celestine Prophecy continues as the action shifts to a wilderness in the American Southeast where the narrator's friend has disappeared. Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Literature, Metaphysical & Visionary Fiction, United States
Living Out Loud
For the first time in trade paperback, Quindlen's classic collection of Pulitzer Prize-winning pieces from her famed New York Times column, "Life in the 30s". "Engaging, fresh, funny . .… Continue Reading Posted in: Advice Columnists, Advice Columns, African Literature, Sociology of Death
Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human
In his warm, inviting, and inclusive, style, bestselling author Leo Buscaglia manages to bring a vision of the world together within his warm embrace. Sharing the stories of his travels… Continue Reading Posted in: Mental & Spiritual Healing, New Age & Spirituality, Self-Help
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