This brand-new novel featuring Margery Allingham s Mr Campion recaptures the Golden Age of British Detective Fiction.",The Danish Ambassador has requested Albert Campion s help on a delicate family matter… Continue ReadingPosted in:Fiction, Mystery
Way back during the crusades Richard I presented the Huntingforest family with the tiny Balkan principality of Averna but since then the kingdom has been forgotten, until circumstances in Europe… Continue ReadingPosted in:Fiction, Mystery
When a counterfeit currency racket comes to light on the French Riviera, Detective Inspector Meredith is sent speeding southwards - out of the London murk to the warmth and glitter… Continue ReadingPosted in:Fiction, Mystery
Eric Crowther collected secrets and used them as weapons. Delighting in nothing more than torturing those around him with what he knew, there is no shortage of suspects when he… Continue ReadingPosted in:Fiction, Mystery
Five Albert Campion mystery stories originally published between 1935 and 1947, with an introduction by the author. Contents include "The Case of the Man with the Sack," "The Case of… Continue ReadingPosted in:Fiction, Mystery, Short Stories
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