My Name Is Nobody

Spy Thriller

Author: Matthew Richardson

PROOF THAT THE SPY GENRE IS FLOURISHING IN THE 21ST CENTURY’ Guardian,,’I know for certain that there is a mole somewhere within the intelligence services . . . His codename is Nobody . . .’,,Solomon Vine is a spy on a fast track to the top. But when a prisoner is shot in unexplained circumstances on his watch, only suspension and exile beckon.,,Three months later, MI6’s….Read More

4 Books Similar to My Name Is Nobody

The Case of the Gypsy Good-Bye

In the series conclusion, Enola searches for missing Lady Blanchefleur while her brother Sherlock seeks her, with a message from their long-lost mother that only Enola can decipher. Sherlock and… Continue Reading Posted in: Historical, Mystery, Young Adult

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