
Author: C.J. Cherryh

Loki is a mercenary ship and bounty hunter. Bet Yeager is a killer elite Earth Company Marine whose side lost. Now she is forced to escape aboard Loki, surrounded by enemies and hunting her old comrades. And the fighting skills she must use to survive may be her death warrant…..Read More

7 Books Similar to Rimrunners

Merchanter’s Luck

Downbelow Station is a tense, vibrant, concentrated little metallic world - a pivot on which mighty forces revolve. In this brilliant nivel, Downbelow is the goal of a desperate and… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Science Fiction, Space Ships

The Dosadi Experiment

Beyond the God WallGenerations of a tormented human-alien people, caged on a toxic planet, conditioned by constant hunger and war-this is the Dosadi Experiment, and it has succeeded too well.… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, English Fiction, Galactic Empire Science Fiction eBooks, Revolutions, Space Opera Science Fiction


In the year 2204, tragedy and terror forced a scientific team to prematurely evacuate Maleiva Ill. Twenty-one years later, the opportunity for scientists to study this galactic rarity—a life-supporting planet—is… Continue Reading Posted in: Exploration Science Fiction, Extraterrestrial Anthropology, Science Fiction


To boost waning interest in interstellar travel, a mission is sent into deep space to learn the truth about "moonriders," the strange lights supposedly being seen in nearby systems. But… Continue Reading Posted in: Interplanetary Voyages, Journalists, Life On Other Planets, Science Fiction Adventure, Technothrillers


In a futuristic world of cybernetics, two young friends become trapped in an endless nightmare of suspicion, surveillance, programmable servants, a centuries-old ruling class, and an enigmatic woman who rules… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fiction In English

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