Sex And Drugs And Sausage Rolls

The Brentford Triangle (The Brentford Trilogy Book 2)

Author: Robert Rankin

He becomes funnier the more you read him.’ IndependentIt has always been John Omally’s secret ambition to become a rock star. In his youth he mastered air guitar and wardrobe-mirror posing, but he lacked that certain something. Talent. But at last an opportunity has arisen for John to get into ‘The Industry’. A band called Gandhi’s Hairdryer are looking for a manager, so a….Read More

12 Books Similar to Sex And Drugs And Sausage Rolls

The Glass Palace

Set in Burma during the British invasion of 1885, this masterly novel by Amitav Ghosh tells the story of Rajkumar, a poor boy lifted on the tides of political and… Continue Reading Posted in: Cultural, Fiction, Historical

Absolute Friends

Absolute Friends is a superbly paced novel spanning fifty-six years, a theatrical masterstroke of tragicomic writing, and a savage fable of our times, almost of our hours. The friends of… Continue Reading Posted in: British, Fiction, Philanthropists

The Sprouts of Wrath

The fourth part of the "Brentford Trilogy". Amazing, but true, Brentford Town Council has agreed to host the next Olympic Games. However, something sinister is afoot in Brentford, and it… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Science Fiction Adventures

The Little Drummer Girl

John le Carre's classic novels deftly navigate readers through the intricate shadow worlds of international espionage with unsurpassed skill and knowledge, and have earned him unprecedented worldwide acclaim.In this thrilling… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, Actresses, Assassination Thrillers, Political Thrillers & Suspense, Spy Stories

The Constant Gardener

The beautiful Tessa Quayle is murdered near Lake Turkana in northern Kenya, the birthplace of mankind. And her putative African lover and travelling companion has vanished from the scene of… Continue Reading Posted in: English, Investigation, Murder Investigation, Suspense Fiction


The Ministry of Serendipity at Mornington Crescent runs everything. And that is everything.When the Ministry learns of a spacecraft that crashed four thousand years ago into the Pacific Ocean it… Continue Reading Posted in: Humorous Stories, Science Fiction

Juno And Juliet

A romantic comedy, this novel features the characters Juno and Juliet, 18 year-old blonde twin sisters, who arrive at university in Galway from their Tipperary home, and each set off… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Love Stories, Sisters

The Mission Song

Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese mother, Bruno Salvador has long looked for someone to guide his life. He has found it in Mr. Anderson of British Intelligence.Bruno's… Continue Reading Posted in: Children Of Missionaries, Fiction, Translating

The Brentford Triangle

Omally groaned. "It is the end of mankind as we know it. I should never have got up so early today" and all over Brentford electrical appliances were beginning to… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Humorous Fiction, Humorous Science Fiction

A Most Wanted Man

A half-starved young Russian man in a long black overcoat is smuggled into Hamburg at dead of night. He has an improbable amount of cash secreted in a purse around… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Germany Hamburg, Intelligence Service, Movie & Game Tie-In Fiction, Movie Tie-In Fiction, TV

Hunting Unicorns

A witty, sophisticated romantic comedy which explores the universal themes of love, loyalty and family - chosen as a Richard & Judy Summer Read. Continue Reading Posted in: Contemporary, Fiction, Romance

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