Slaves of the Mastery (Wind on Fire S )

Author: William Nicholson

Five years have passed. The city of Aramanth has become kinder–weaker., , When the ruthless soldiers of the Mastery strike, the city is burned, and the Manth people are taken into slavery. Kestrel Hath is left behind, separated from her beloved brother Bowman, and vowing revenge., , Now Kestrel must find Bowman again, and Bowman must learn the secrets of the Singer people. Only t….Read More

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The night Quin Kincaid takes her Oath, she will become what she has trained to be her entire life. She will become a Seeker. This is her legacy, and it… Continue Reading Posted in: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Social & Family Issues, Teen & Young Adult Science Fiction Action & Adventure

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The Society Of Others

He has nowhere to he goes there., ,An alienated young man can see no meaning in life. He doesn't even see the point of getting out of bed in the… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Mystery, Science Fiction

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