The Blood Knight

Author: Greg Keyes

A ​Hangakirály útjában pusztulás és őrület jár. Félig elfelejtett, alig értett jövendölések szerint Anne Dare, Crotheny trónjának fiatal örökösnője lehet a világ egyetlen reménye. Csakhogy Anne-t a trónbitorló Robert seregei üldözik – Roberté, akinek sírból való visszatérése elmosta a határokat élet és halál között, és minden addiginál sötétebb erőknek nyitott utat. Maga A….Read More

10 Books Similar to The Blood Knight

The Briar King

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The Bonehunters

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The Charnel Prince

The Briar King has woken and, with the aid of monsters formerly found only in folk tales, is destroying the forest and the people who live on its bounty. Aspar… Continue Reading Posted in: Magic, Monsters

The Reluctant Swordsman

Wallie Smith can feel the pain. He goes to the hospital and remembers the doctors and the commotion, but when he wakes up it all seems like a dream. However,… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Fiction

Eye of the Labyrinth

Since the Age of Shadows ended, the people of Ranadon have lived under the merciless heat of two suns and the tyranny of Antonov, the Lion of Senet. Consumed by… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, Religion And Science

The Reaper’s Gale

All is not well in the Letherii Empire. Rhulad Sengar, the Emperor of a Thousand Deaths, spirals into madness, surrounded by sycophants and agents of his Machiavellian chancellor, while the… Continue Reading

A Secret Atlas

In a world where strong enough talent can engender magic, the family of the Royal Cartographer stands in a unique position. For these bold relations not only draw the maps,… Continue Reading Posted in: Explorers, Voyages And Travels

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