The Iliad

European Poetry

Author: Homer

One of the foremost achievements in Western literature, Homer’s Iliad tells the story of the darkest episode of the Trojan War. At its center is Achilles, the greatest warrior-champion of the Greeks, and his conflict with his leader Agamemnon. Interwoven in the tragic sequence of events are powerfully moving descriptions of the ebb and flow of battle, the besieged city of….Read More

12 Books Similar to The Iliad


To boost waning interest in interstellar travel, a mission is sent into deep space to learn the truth about "moonriders," the strange lights supposedly being seen in nearby systems. But… Continue Reading Posted in: Interplanetary Voyages, Journalists, Life On Other Planets, Science Fiction Adventure, Technothrillers

The Aeneid

The Aeneid – thrilling, terrifying and poignant in equal measure – has inspired centuries of artists, writers and musicians.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket… Continue Reading Posted in: Latin Poetry Translations Into English, Rome (Empire), Virgil

Greek Tragedy

Agememnon is the first part of the Aeschylus's Orestian trilogy in which the leader of the Greek army returns from the Trojan war to be murdered by his treacherous wife… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Drama & Plays Literary Criticism, Theater History & Criticism, Translations Into English

The Divine Comedy I: Hell

Guided by the poet Virgil, Dante plunges to the very depths of Hell and embarks on his arduous journey towards God. Together they descend through the nine circles of the… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Death, Divina Commedia (Dante Alighieri), Fiction, Grief & Loss Poetry, Italian Poetry

The Histories

One of the masterpieces of classical literature, the "Histories" describes how a small and quarrelsome band of Greek city states united to repel the might of the Persian empire. But… Continue Reading Posted in: B.C.775 B.C.479, Bibliography, Classical Literature, European History, History, Military History


Composed some time between the middle of the seventh and the end of the tenth century of the first millennium, the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf is one of the important Northern… Continue Reading Posted in: Ancient, Classical & Medieval Poetry, Cultural Foundations Ii, Dragons, Hattaway, Norse & Icelandic Sagas

The Song of Achilles

The legend begins...Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the kingdom of Phthia to be raised in the shadow of King Peleus… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic American Literature, Classic Literature & Fiction, Greece, Historical Fiction, Iliad

The Odyssey

Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turnsdriven time and again off course, once he had plunderedthe hallowed heights of Troy.So begins Robert Fagles' magnificent… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Epic Poetry, Greek Literature, Greek Translations Into English

The Iliad

One of the foremost achievements in Western literature, Homer's Iliad tells the story of the darkest episode of the Trojan War. At its center is Achilles, the greatest warrior-champion of… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, European Poetry, Fiction, Middle East Troy (Extinct City)

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