The Occupation Trilogy: La Place de l’Étoile – the Night Watch – Ring Roads


Author: Patrick Modiano

Este volumen reúne las tres primeras novelas de un autor fundamental de las letras francesas contemporáneas. Tres novelas que recibieron numerosos galardones –entre ellos el Gran Premio de la Academia Francesa– y que representan el primer y más brillante bisturí novelístico de la turbiedad, la complicidad social y la fantasmagoría, del antisemitismo, el crimen organizado y….Read More

3 Books Similar to The Occupation Trilogy: La Place de l’Étoile – the Night Watch – Ring Roads

Slow Man

Paul Rayment is on the threshold of a comfortable old age when a calamitous cycling accident results in the amputation of a leg. Humiliated, his body truncated, his life circumscribed,… Continue Reading Posted in: Australian, Authors, South African, South African Fiction (English), Women Novelists

Suspended Sentences: Three Novellas

Although originally published separately, Patrick Modiano’s three novellas form a single, compelling whole, haunted by the same gauzy sense of place and characters. Modiano draws on his own experiences, blended… Continue Reading Posted in: Cultural, Fiction, Short Stories


In Honey's world of romance there are two choices. One is sweet, romantic Ed, a gorgeous gardener, who buys red roses, carpets a bedroom in delicate flower petals and says… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Romance, Women's Fiction

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