The Symposium

Author: Plato

In this text Plato uses a dinner party as a scene for a series of speeches by the guests. From these there emerges a complete and complex philosophy of love. The pivot of the argument is Socrates’ speech in which sensuality is transcended and we move from the sensible world to the ideal world. Just as the preceding speeches are vital to the theme and scheme of progression,….Read More

8 Books Similar to The Symposium


‘The plot is the source and the soul of tragedy’In his near-contemporary account of Greek tragedy, Aristotle examines the dramatic elements of plot, character, language and spectacle that combine to… Continue Reading Posted in: Abstract Or Summary, Bibliography, Criticism And Interpretation

Nichomachean Ethics

A systematic treatise on ethics that speaks to human beings about themselves and their relations to others. Continue Reading Posted in: Aristotle, Ethics & Morality, Political Science

The Critique of Pure Reason

Metaphysicians have for centuries attempted to clarify the nature of the world and how rational human beings construct their ideas of it. Materialists believed that the world (including its human… Continue Reading Posted in: Aesthetics, Causation, Drama & Plays Literary Criticism, Ethics, History & Surveys of Philosophy, Modern

The Communist Manifesto

"L. M. Findlay's elegant new translation is a work of textual and historical scholarship. Few books have had as much of an impact on modern history as The Communist Manifesto.… Continue Reading Posted in: Economics, Karl), Manifest Der Kommunistischen Partei (Marx, Political Theory, Politics

History of the Peloponnesian War

Written four hundred years before the birth of Christ, this detailed contemporary account of the long life-and-death struggle between Athens and Sparta stands an excellent chance of fulfilling its author's… Continue Reading Posted in: Ancient Greek History, C.B.C.431 B.C.404, Early Works, Literature & Fiction, Sources, Student Collection

The Histories

One of the masterpieces of classical literature, the "Histories" describes how a small and quarrelsome band of Greek city states united to repel the might of the Persian empire. But… Continue Reading Posted in: B.C.775 B.C.479, Bibliography, Classical Literature, European History, History, Military History

Meditations on First Philosophy

Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy, the fundamental and originating work of the modern era in Western philosophy, is presented here in Donald Cress's completely revised edition of his well-established translation,… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, France, French, Philosophy


New York Times bestselling author Paul Auster (The New York Trilogy) opens Leviathan with the tearing of a bomb explosion and the death of one Benjamin Sachs. Ben’s one-time best friend,… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Authors, Detective And Mystery Stories, Historical Fiction Short Stories, Literary Short Stories

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