The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal

History of Civilization & Culture

Author: Jared Diamond

At some point during the last 100,000 years, humans began exhibiting traits and behavior that distinguished us from other animals, eventually creating language, art, religion, bicycles, spacecraft, and nuclear weapons—all within a heartbeat of evolutionary time. Now, faced with the threat of nuclear weapons and the effects of climate change, it seems our innate tendencies….Read More

12 Books Similar to The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive

Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed is the glass-half-empty follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize-winning Guns, Germs, and Steel. While Guns, Germs, and Steel explained the geographic… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Case Studies, Effect Of Climate On

Breaking The Spell: Religion As A Natural Phenomenon

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The Panda’s Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History

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In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind

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Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension

Are there other dimensions beyond those of our everyday experience? Are there gateways to parallel universes? What happened before the first day of Creation? These types of questions are at… Continue Reading Posted in: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Bibliography, Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Physics, Waves & Wave Mechanics

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life

In Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life Daniel C. Dennett argues that the theory of evolution can demystify the miracles of life without devaluing our most cherished… Continue Reading Posted in: Biological Evolution, Biology, Criticism And Interpretaion, History & Surveys of Philosophy, Philosophy History & Survey

Consciousness Explained

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A Brief History Of Time: From the Big Bang To Black Holes

Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries?These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed… Continue Reading Posted in: Astrology, Black Holes (Astronomy), G1000

Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

Hace 13.000 años la evolución de las distintas sociedades humanas comenzó a tomar rumbos diferentes. La temprana domesticación de animales y el cultivo de plantas silvestres en el Creciente Fértil,… Continue Reading Posted in: Anthropogeography, Cultural Development, History, Human Geography, Social Behavior

The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

Whilst living amongst Peruvian Indians, anthropologist Jeremy Narby learned of their phenomenal knowledge of plants and biochemical interactions, gained under the influence of the hallucinogen ayahuasca. Despite his initial scepticism,… Continue Reading Posted in: Ancient, Bibliography, Molecular Biology, Science

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