The Volcano Lover

Historical Biographical Fiction

Author: Susan Sontag

Nápoles, 1772. A segunda cidade da Europa, magnífica, encimada pelas constantes erupções do seu famoso vulcão. Um nobre inglês, o embaixador britânico no Reino das Duas Sicílias, regressa à sua cidade adoptiva acompanhado pela mulher. Cavaliere, como todos o conhecem, é um coleccionador de arte, de antiguidades, de pessoas – um temperamento erudito e ávido, mas desapaixona….Read More

4 Books Similar to The Volcano Lover

The Coquette

The Coquette tells the much-publicized story of the seduction and death of Elizabeth Whitman, a poet from Hartford, Connecticut.,,Written as a series of letters--between the heroine and her friends and… Continue Reading Posted in: Academic, Classics, Fiction

Foucault’s Pendulum

Three book editors, jaded by reading far too many crackpot manuscripts on the mystic and the occult, are inspired by an extraordinary conspiracy story told to them by a strange… Continue Reading Posted in: Literary Satire Fiction, Metaphysical Fiction, Occult Fiction, Vodou, Voodooism

Regarding the Pain of Others

Twenty-five years after her classic On Photography, Susan Sontag returns to the subject of visual representations of war and violence in our culture today. How does the spectacle of the… Continue Reading Posted in: Media Studies, Photojournalism, Psychological Aspects, Violence in Society, War Photography

Smiler’s Fair

Yron the moon god died, but now he's reborn in the false king's son. His human father wanted to kill him, but his mother sacrificed her life to save him.… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Fiction

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