
Medical Thrillers

Author: Robin Cook

Robin Cook is back — with a shocking story of medical conspiracy. Today, organ transplants are common miracles of science. But if the supply cannot meet the demand, how far will people go to find donors? Dr. Laurie Montgomery, a forensic pathologist, learns the terrifying answer when she investigates a series of fatal “overdose” of young professionals. Some crimes are beyo….Read More

17 Books Similar to Blindsight


Biotechnology - a blessing or a nightmare? The latest harrowing novel from the bestselling master of the medical chiller. Continue Reading Posted in: Medical Fiction (Books), Medical Fiction (Kindle Store)

Deep Storm

Twelve-thousand feet beneath the Atlantic Ocean . . .scientists are excavating the most extraordinary undersea discovery ever made. But is it the greatest archaeological find in history—or the most terrifying?Former… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, Lost Continents

Extreme Measures: A Thriller

The latest pulse-pounding thriller by #1 'New York Times' bestselling phenomenon Vince Flynn explodes onto the scene with a deadly and charismatic hero fans will cheer for all the way… Continue Reading Posted in: Political Fiction (Kindle Store), Terrorism Thrillers (Kindle Store)

Harmful Intent

An anaesthetist gives a woman a normal injection during childbirth and she dies. The doctor is sued and criminally charged, but he skips bail and returns to the hospital to… Continue Reading Posted in: Conspiracies, English Fiction, United States


A riveting thriller that speculates about the horror of bioterrorism - the latest urban nightmare. Continue Reading Posted in: New York (State) New York, Suspense Fiction, United States


Pompeji, 79 n. Chr., reichste Stadt der römischen Weltmacht, Oase der Schönen und Mächtigen: Der junge Wasserbaumeister Attilius kommt einer skrupellosen Verschwörung auf die Spur, doch seine Nachforschungen werden überschattet… Continue Reading Posted in: Europe Pompeii (Extinct City), Volcanoes, Water Supply

The Love Goddess’ Cooking School

Tutti a Blue Crab Island, nel Maine, chiamavano Camilla la dea dell'amore perché, con il suo talento di veggente era riuscita a salvare matrimoni in crisi. Ma Camilla non era… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Romance, Women's Fiction

The Bastard

One man’s quest for his destiny leads him to the New World and into the heart of the American Revolution. Meet Phillipe Charboneau: the illegitimate son and unrecognized heir of… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Frontier And Pioneer Life


A New York Times bestselling series A USA TODAY bestselling series A California Young Reader Medal–winning series In this unforgettable seventh book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series,… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy & Magic, Friendship, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Chromosome 6

A thriller from the author of CONTAGION in which an American forensic pathologists investigation into the murder of a notorious underworld figure, leads him to the jungles of equatorial Africa.… Continue Reading Posted in: Medical Fiction (Books), Medical Fiction (Kindle Store)

Mortal Fear

By day, Harper Cole trades commodities from his farmhouse in the isolated Mississippi Delta. But at night, Harper serves as system operator for E.R.O.S., a highly exclusive, sexually explicit on-line… Continue Reading Posted in: Psychological Fiction (Kindle Store), Serial Killers

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