Downbelow Station

Author: C.J. Cherryh
A legend among sci-fi readers, C. J. Cherryh’s Union-Alliance novels, while separate and complete in themselves, are part of a much larger tapestry—a future history spanning 5,000 years of human civilization. A blockbuster space opera of the rebellion between Earth and its far-flung colonies, it is a classic science fiction masterwork…..Read More
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In a futuristic world of cybernetics, two young friends become trapped in an endless nightmare of suspicion, surveillance, programmable servants, a centuries-old ruling class, and an enigmatic woman who rules… Continue Reading Posted in: American Writers, Fiction In English
Merchanter’s Luck
Downbelow Station is a tense, vibrant, concentrated little metallic world - a pivot on which mighty forces revolve. In this brilliant nivel, Downbelow is the goal of a desperate and… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Science Fiction, Space Ships
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Knight errant.Flinx and his amazing minidrag Pip were always finding themselves in the middle of danger and galactic intrigue, so when they found an unconscious young woman on a riverbank… Continue Reading Posted in: 1945, American Writers, Assassins, Galactic Empire Science Fiction eBooks, Hard Science Fiction
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