El lobo estepario

Teens & Young Adult in Spanish

Author: Hermann Hesse

Encrucijada de todas las obsesiones e intuiciones de Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) y exponente de su singular talento para el relato, El lobo estepario se inscribe dentro del empeño, patente a lo largo de toda su obra, por iluminar la zona oscura de la condición humana a fin de poner al descubierto su carga trágica y su incierto destino. Ser solitario e incomunicado, extraño y….Read More

12 Books Similar to El lobo estepario


Wie alle Hauptwerke Hermann Hesses hat auch der Demian, den der damals 40jährige Autor mitten im Ersten Weltkrieg schrieb, eine ebenso ungewöhnliche wie spannende Entstehungs- und Wirkungsgeschichte. Daß dieses im… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literary Fiction, Fiction In German, Psychological Fiction, Translations Into English, Translations Into Esperanto


In the shade of a banyan tree, a grizzled ferryman sits listening to the river. Some say he's a sage. He was once a wandering shramana and, briefly, like thousands… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literature & Fiction, India, Literary Criticism & Theory, Religious Fiction, Spiritual Life

The Outsider

Meursault will not pretend. After the death of his mother, everyone is shocked when he shows no sadness. And when he commits a random act of violence in Algiers, society… Continue Reading Posted in: Adventure Fiction, Contemporary Literature & Fiction, Fiction In French, Medicine In Literature

Narcissus and Goldmund

Hermann Hesse's Narcissus and Goldmund is the story of a passionate yet uneasy friendship between two men of opposite character. Narcissus, an ascetic instructor at a cloister school, has devoted… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, German, Religious Mysteries, Religious Romance, Short Stories

The Plague

New cover edition for ISBN 9780141185132. Older covers here, here, here and hereThe townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a… Continue Reading Posted in: Existentialism, Existentialist Philosophy, France, Novels, Student Collection

Beneath the Wheel

Hans Giebernath lives among the dull and respectable townsfolk of a sleepy Black Forest village. When he is discovered to be an exceptionally gifted student, the entire community presses him… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Coming of Age Fiction, Classic Literary Fiction, Fiction

Peter Camenzind

Peter Camenzind, a young man from a Swiss mountain village, leaves his home and eagerly takes to the road in search of new experience. Traveling through Italy and France, Camenzind… Continue Reading Posted in: Authors, Bibliography, Festschrift, German eBooks


Rayuela es reconocida como la obra maestra de Julio Cortázar. De entrada, él nos propone elegir uno de los dos accesos: leer en el orden acostumbrado y acabar en el… Continue Reading Posted in: Argentinian Writers, CortaìZar, Julio, Technique

The Trial

Somebody must have laid false information against Josef K., for he was arrested one morning without having done anything wrong.' From this first sentence onwards, Josef K. is on trial… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Legal Thrillers, Psychological Fiction, Teen & Young Adult Classic Literature, Translations Into English

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