

Author: Terry Pratchett

Eric is the Discworld’s only demonology hacker. The trouble is, he’s not very good at it. All he wants is the usual three wishes: to be immortal, rule the world and have the most beautiful woman fall madly in love with him. The usual stuff.,,But what he gets is Rincewind, the Disc’s most incompetent wizard, and Rincewind’s Luggage (the world’s most dangerous travel accessory….Read More

17 Books Similar to Eric


“Look after the dead,” said the priests, “and the dead will look after you.” Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when you have just become the pharaoh… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Fiction, Humor

Moving Pictures

The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood hill?,,It's up to Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Fiction, Humor

Witches Abroad

An alternate cover edition can be found here.'Things have to come to an end, see. That's how it works when you turn the world into stories. You should never have… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantastic Fiction, Humorous Stories, Magic


Alternative cover edition for this ISBN here There was an eighth son of an eighth son. He was, quite naturally, a wizard. And there it should have ended. However (for… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Fantasy eBooks, Collectibles, Fantastic Fiction, Fiction In English, Humorous Fantasy

Interesting Times

Mighty battles! Revolution! Death! War! (and his sons Terror and Panic, and daughter Clancy)The oldest and most inscrutable empire on the Discworld is in turmoil, brought about by the revolutionary… Continue Reading Posted in: Discworld (Imaginary Place), Fantastic Fiction, Humorous Stories

Lords and Ladies

THE FAIRIES ARE BACK - BUT THIS TIME THEY DON'T JUST WANT YOUR TEETH...Granny Weatherwax and her tiny coven are up against real elves.It's Midsummer Night.No times for dreaming...With full… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantastic Fiction, Humorous Stories, Science Fiction

The Last Continent

IT'S THE DISCWORLD LAST CONTINENT AND IT'S GOING TO DIE IN A FEW DAYS, EXCEPT...Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Sheep shearer, beer drinker, bush ranger, and… Continue Reading Posted in: English, Fantastic Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Greek & Roman Myth & Legend, Humorous Fantasy

The Last Hero: A Discworld Fable

A Discworld novel fully illustrated in lavish colour throughout its 160 pages, this is an essential part of any Discworld collection. It stars the legendary Cohen.He's been a legend in… Continue Reading Posted in: Comedy, Fantastic Fiction, Fantasy, Humorous Stories

Carpe Jugulum

Mightily Oats has not picked a good time to be priest. He thought he'd come to Lancre for a simple ceremony. Now he's caught up in a war between vampires… Continue Reading Posted in: British & Irish Humor & Satire, Fantastic Fiction, Greco-Roman Myth & Legend Fantasy eBooks, Humorous Stories, Vampires


THE SHOW MUST GO ON, AS MURDER, MUSIC AND MAYHEM RUN RIOT IN THE NIGHT...The Opera House, Ankh-Morpork...a huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantastic Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, Witches

Feet of Clay

It's murder in Discworld! -- which ordinarily is no big deal. But what bothers Watch Commander Sir Sam Vimes is that the unusual deaths of three elderly Ankh-Morporkians do not… Continue Reading Posted in: Humorous Stories, Juvenile Fiction, Suicide

Soul Music

Other children get given xylophones. Susan just had to ask her grandfather to take his vest off. Yes. There's a Death in the family.It's hard to grow up normally when… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantastic Fiction, Humorous Stories, Teenage Girls

Reaper Man

One of the "Discworld" humorous fantasy series. Death is missing. Dead Rights activist Reg Shoe suddenly has more work than he'd ever dreamed of, and newly-deceased wizard Windle Poons wakes… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Fantastic Fiction, Humorous Stories

Guards! Guards!

Librarian's Note: There is an Alternate Cover Edition for this book here. An edition with the same cover, publishing date and ISBN but a different number of pages can be… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Fantastic Fiction, Magic

The Light Fantastic

What shall we do?' said Twoflower.,'Panic?' said Rincewind hopefully. He always held that panic was the best means of survival.,,When the very fabric of time and space are about to… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Fiction, Humor

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