Halt’s Peril

Author: John Flanagan

The renegade outlaw group known as the Outsiders has journeyed from kingdom to kingdom, conning the innocent out of their few valuables. Will and Halt, his mentor, are ambushed by the cult’s deadly assassins when Halt is pierced by a poisoned arrow. Now Will must travel day and night in search of the one person with the power to cure Halt: Malkallam the Sorcerer…..Read More

12 Books Similar to Halt’s Peril


When Silas Heap unseals a forgotten room in the Palace, he releases the ghost of a queen who lived five hundred years earlier. Queen Etheldredda is as awful in death… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, Time Travel

The Kings of Clonmel

Will is at the annual Ranger Gathering but Halt is investigating mysterious happenings in the west. When he does finally return, it's with bad news. Hibernia is in turmoil. A… Continue Reading

The Ranger’s Apprentice, Book 10

Months have passed since Horace departed for the eastern nation of Nihon-Ja on a vital mission. Having received no communication from him, his friends fear the worst. Unwilling to wait… Continue Reading

Ranger’s Apprentice: Erak’s Ransom (Ranger’s Apprentice, Book 7)

Der Waffenstillstand Araluens mit den Skandianern ist noch frisch, als König Duncan die Nachricht erreicht, dass Erak, der Anführer Skandias vom Wüstenvolk der Arridi gefangen genommen wurde. Kurz entschlossen brechen… Continue Reading Posted in: Princesses, Ransom, War Stories

The Royal Ranger

After a senseless tragedy destroys his life, Will is obsessed with punishing those responsible - even if it means leaving the Ranger Corps. His worried friends must find a way… Continue Reading Posted in: Apprentices, Fantasy

Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star

At the end of the school year, Kendra and her brother Seth find themselves racing back to Fablehaven, a refuge for mythical and magical creatures. Grandpa Sorenson, the caretaker, invites… Continue Reading Posted in: Grandparents, Magic

The Burning Bridge

See alternate cover edition: here and hereAN EVIL RETURNSFor years, the Kingdom of Araluen has prospered, with the evil Lord Morgarath safely behind the impassable mountains. For years, its people… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, War Stories

A World Without Heroes

Jason Walker has often wished his life could be a bit less predictable--until a routine day at the zoo ends with Jason suddenly transporting from the hippo tank to a… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Action & Adventure Books (Books), Children's Folk Tales & Myths (Books), Space And Time, Wizards

The Battle for Skandia

For Will and Evanlyn, freedom has never felt so fleeing.Still far from their homeland after escaping slavery in the icebound land of Skandia, the Ranger's apprentice and the princess's plan… Continue Reading Posted in: Coming Of Age, Fantasy, Teenagers

The Icebound Land

See alternate cover edition: here and hereCAPTURED...Kidnapped and taken to a frozen land after the fierce battle with Lord Morgarath, Will and Evanlyn are bound for Skandia as captives aboard… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Knights And Knighthood

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger’s Apprentice)

The international bestselling series with over 5 million copies sold in the U.S. alone!They have always scared him in the past—the Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways. The… Continue Reading

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