Lord Emsworth and Others

Author: P.G. Wodehouse
The wave of crime that was about to rock Blandings Castle broke out on a fine summer afternoon. Ukridge appears on Corky’s doorstep requesting his cab fare and a whiskey and soda! The oldest member warns of the folly of love, even if his progress on the golf course has earned him the affectionate sobriquet of the First Grave Digger!….Read More
6 Books Similar to Lord Emsworth and Others

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson had been sharpening their detective skills deducing the characteristics of the man whose walking stick is in their possession, when the owner arrives greatly in… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic American Literature, Detective And Mystery Stories, England Dartmoor, Fiction, Victorian Literary Criticism
The Sword in the Stone
"Learn. That is the only thing that never fails."--Merlyn the WizardBefore there was a famous king named Arthur, there was a curious boy named Wart and a kind old wizard… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Stories, Middle Ages, Wizards
The Wind in the Willows
The tales of Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad. When Mole goes boating with the Water Rat instead of spring-cleaning, he discovers a new world. As well as the river and… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Fantasy, Fiction
Childhood’s End
Silent spacecraft take the light from the world, superintelligent aliens rule with wisdom not force, a new era of invention and prosperity brings hope and peace. The twilight of the… Continue Reading Posted in: Adventure Stories, Fantasy Fiction
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