
Author: Kōji Suzuki
One night in Tokyo, four healthy teenagers die one after another of heart failure. A journalist, the uncle of one of the victims and intrigued by the coincidence, investigates and learns of a videotape that the four watched together a week before dying. Amid a series of bizarre and frightening images is a warning that the viewer will die in exactly one week unless a certai….Read More
9 Books Similar to Ring

Everything Clarissa Alpert wants, Clarissa Alpert gets.,,Gorgeous, funny, and wildly uninhibited, her exes are a veritable Who's Who of Hollywood power players.,,At twenty-eight (thirty-one), she is blessed with a firm… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Romance, Women's Fiction
Natsuo Kirino's novel tells a story of random violence in the staid Tokyo suburbs, as a young mother who works a night shift making boxed lunches brutally strangles her deadbeat… Continue Reading Posted in: Murder Thrillers, Organized Crime Thrillers, Social History, Suspense Fiction
The Other
Entranced and terrified, the reader of The Other is swept up in the life of a Connecticut country town in the thirties-and in the fearful mysteries that slowly darken and… Continue Reading Posted in: Commerce, Condition Of Slaves, Occult Fiction, Vampire Horror, Wine And Wine Making
Under the Skin
Isserley picks up hitchhikers with big muscles. She, herself, is tiny-like a kid peering up over the steering wheel. She has a remarkable face and wears the thickest corrective lenses… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Diet & Nutrition Books (Kindle Store), Children's Disease Books (Books), Fiction, Horror Tales, Scotland
An upper-class woman recovering from a suicide attempt, Margaret Prior has begun visiting the women’s ward of Millbank prison, Victorian London’s grimmest jail, as part of her rehabilitative charity work.… Continue Reading Posted in: Drama, Occult Horror, Occult Suspense, Video, Welsh Authors
Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche
It was a clear spring day, Monday, March 20, 1995, when five members of the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo conducted chemical warfare on the Tokyo subway system using sarin, a… Continue Reading Posted in: Paperbacks England 2012, Terrorism Religious Aspects, Victims Of Terrorism
In The Miso Soup
It's just before New Year. Frank, an overweight American tourist, has hired Kenji to take him on a guided tour of Tokyo's nightlife on three successive evenings. But Frank's behaviour… Continue Reading Posted in: Asian Literary History & Criticism, Murder, Paperbacks England 2006, Suspense Fiction
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