So Far from God

Author: Ana Castillo
Sofia and her fated daughters, Fe, Esperanza, Caridad, and la Loca, endure hardship and enjoy love in the sleepy New Mexico hamlet of Tome, a town teeming with marvels where the comic and the horrific, the real and the supernatural, reside…..Read More
10 Books Similar to So Far from God

How the García Girls Lost Their Accents
Uprooted from their family home in the Dominican Republic, the four Garcia sisters - Carla, Sandra, Yolanda, and Sofia - arrive in New York City in 1960 to find a… Continue Reading Posted in: Dominican Americans, Immigrants, United States
Borderlands/ La Frontera: The New Mestiza
Explores life along the Mexican-American border and the experience of being caught between two cultures. Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, North America Mexican American Border Region, Poetry
Woman Hollering Creek
A collection of short stories which bring to life the sounds and smells of Mexico. From a young girl revealing secrets only an eleven-year-old can know, to a witch woman… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Mexican Americans, Mexico, Short Stories
When I Was Puerto Rican
Magic, sexual tension, high comedy, and intense drama move through an echanted yet harsh life chronicle, as a young girl leaves rural Puerto Rico for New York's tenements and a… Continue Reading Posted in: BiografiìA, Electronic Books, Puerto Ricans New York (State) New York Biography
The Shepherd of the Hills by Harold Bell Wright, Fiction, Classics, Christian, Western
The stranger looked tired and wet. His was a face marked deeply by pride; pride of birth, of intellect, of culture; the face of a scholar and poet; but it… Continue Reading Posted in: Classics, Fiction, Historical
Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer
Young Martin Dressler begins his career as an industrious helper in his father's cigar store. In the course of his restless young manhood, he makes a swift and eventful rise to… Continue Reading Posted in: Historical Fiction, Hotels
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