Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the American Dream

The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Strange Time (Gonzo Papers, Volume 1)

Author: Hunter S. Thompson

In this third and most extraordinary volume of the Gonzo Papers, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson recalls high and hideous moments in his thirty years in the Passing Lane. These tales—often sleazy, brutal and crude—are only the tip of what Hollywood mogul Jack Nicholson called “the most baffling human iceberg of our time.”Thompson is at the top of his form while fleeing New York in….Read More

12 Books Similar to Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the American Dream

The Great Shark Hunt

America, with all its warts, lies naked under the laser-like scrutiny of legendary outlaw journalist and brilliant reporter Hunter S. Thompson. Fearlessly, he hurls himself into each assignment, gouges out… Continue Reading Posted in: Popular Culture, Social History

Generation of Swine

Hunter S. Thompson, celebrated author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, has been writing a weekly column for the San Francisco Examiner for the last two years. Those columns… Continue Reading Posted in: 1981, Biographies of Journalists, Essays, History, Journeys, Politics And Government

Hot Water Music

With his characteristic raw and minimalist style, Charles Bukowski takes us on a walk through his side of town in Hot Water Music.  He gives us little vignettes of depravity… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Biographical Fiction, Broadsides, English Fiction Short Stories, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing, Short Stories

Better Than Sex: Confessions of a Political Junkie Trapped Like a Rat in MR Bill’s

This is the saga of what happens to campaign junkies behind the scenes of a victorious American presidential campaign. The book follows their orgies, their despair, and finally their terror… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction, Political Science, Politics And Government, Public Policy, State & Local Government

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

I looked around and people's faces were distorted...lights were flashing everywhere...the screen at the end of the room had three or four different films on it at once, and the… Continue Reading Posted in: Hippie Communities, Tom, United States Social Life And Customs, Wolfe


Hunter S. Thompson's legions of fans have waited a decade for this book. They will not be disappointed. His notorious Screwjack is as salacious, unsettling, and brutally lyrical as it… Continue Reading Posted in: American Literature, Fiction, Short Stories

Big Sur

"Each book by Jack Kerouac is unique, a telepathic diamond. With prose set in the middle of his mind, he reveals consciousness itself in all its syntatic elaboration, detailing the… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Literature & Fiction, Memoirs, United States

The Curse of Lono

A wild ride to the dark side of Americana The Curse of Lono is to Hawaii what Fear and Loathing was to Las Vegas: the crazy tales of a journalist's… Continue Reading Posted in: Biography, Description And Travel, United States

The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

THE ONLY COMPLETE COLLECTION BY THE NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR In this definitive collection of Ernest Hemingway's short stories, readers will delight in the author's most beloved classics such as "The… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic American Literature, Literature & Fiction, Old Testament Criticism & Interpretation, Short Stories Anthologies

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72

The best, the fastest, the hippest and the most unorthodox account ever published of the US presidential electoral process in all its madness and corruption. In 1972 Hunter S. Thompson,… Continue Reading Posted in: Elections, History, Political Campaigns

Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century

A memoir of Hunter S Thompson that exposes the darkness at the heart of America: a nation that thralls to Bush's War on Terror, War on Evil, War on Iraq,… Continue Reading Posted in: Biography, United States

Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness: Modern History from the Sports Desk

SPORTS, POLITICS, AND SEX COLLIDE IN HUNTER S. THOMPSON'S WILDLY POPULAR ESPN.COM COLUMNS.Insightful, incendiary, outrageously brilliant, such was the man who galvanized American journalism with his radical ideas and gonzo… Continue Reading Posted in: American Fiction Anthologies, Columns, Etc.), Politics And Government, Sections, Sports, Sports Journalism

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