The Emperor of Nihon Ja

Author: John Flanagan

When Horace travels to the exotic land of Nihon- Ja, it isn’t long before he finds himself pulled into a battle that is not his – but one he knows in his heart he must wage. A kingdom teeters on the edge of chaos when the Nihon-Ja emperor, a defender of the common man, is forcibly overthrown, and only Horace, Will, and his Araluen companions can restore the emperor to the….Read More

12 Books Similar to The Emperor of Nihon Ja

The Kings of Clonmel

Will is at the annual Ranger Gathering but Halt is investigating mysterious happenings in the west. When he does finally return, it's with bad news. Hibernia is in turmoil. A… Continue Reading

A World Without Heroes

Jason Walker has often wished his life could be a bit less predictable--until a routine day at the zoo ends with Jason suddenly transporting from the hippo tank to a… Continue Reading Posted in: Children's Action & Adventure Books (Books), Children's Folk Tales & Myths (Books), Space And Time, Wizards

Ranger’s Apprentice: Erak’s Ransom (Ranger’s Apprentice, Book 7)

Der Waffenstillstand Araluens mit den Skandianern ist noch frisch, als König Duncan die Nachricht erreicht, dass Erak, der Anführer Skandias vom Wüstenvolk der Arridi gefangen genommen wurde. Kurz entschlossen brechen… Continue Reading Posted in: Princesses, Ransom, War Stories

The Royal Ranger

After a senseless tragedy destroys his life, Will is obsessed with punishing those responsible - even if it means leaving the Ranger Corps. His worried friends must find a way… Continue Reading Posted in: Apprentices, Fantasy

Keys to the Demon Prison

After centuries of plotting, the Sphinx—leader of the Society of the Evening Star—is after the final artifacts needed to open the great demon prison, Zzyxx. If the legendary prison is… Continue Reading Posted in: Antiquities, Fantasy, Grandparents

The Burning Bridge

See alternate cover edition: here and hereAN EVIL RETURNSFor years, the Kingdom of Araluen has prospered, with the evil Lord Morgarath safely behind the impassable mountains. For years, its people… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy Fiction, War Stories

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Alternate cover for this ISBN can be found hereDanger lurks everywhere at Fablehaven, where someone has released a plague that transforms beings of light into creatures of darkness. In dire… Continue Reading Posted in: Grandparents, Imaginary Places

The Battle for Skandia

For Will and Evanlyn, freedom has never felt so fleeing.Still far from their homeland after escaping slavery in the icebound land of Skandia, the Ranger's apprentice and the princess's plan… Continue Reading Posted in: Coming Of Age, Fantasy, Teenagers

The Icebound Land

See alternate cover edition: here and hereCAPTURED...Kidnapped and taken to a frozen land after the fierce battle with Lord Morgarath, Will and Evanlyn are bound for Skandia as captives aboard… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Knights And Knighthood

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger’s Apprentice)

The international bestselling series with over 5 million copies sold in the U.S. alone!They have always scared him in the past—the Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways. The… Continue Reading

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