The Golden Key

Stronghold (Dragon Star Book 1)

Author: Melanie Rawn

In the duchy of Tira Virte fine art is prized above all things, both for its beauty and as a binding legal record of everything from marriages and births to treaties and inheritances. And although the Grand Duke is aware that there is more to the paintings of certain limners than meets the eye, not even he knows just how extraordinary the art of the Grijalva family truly i….Read More

16 Books Similar to The Golden Key

The Mageborn Traitor

The second volume of the Exiles series pits sister against sister in a battle of magic, power, and long-held family secretsFor generations, the Mage Guardians and the Lords of Malerris… Continue Reading Posted in: Magic, Sisters

Raven’s Shadow

For many years, the city of Colossae was a haven of magical study. As generations of wizards pushed the limits of their abilities, an evil entity was unleashed that could… Continue Reading Posted in: American, Fantasy Adventure Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Romantic Fantasy, Veterans

The Ruins of Ambrai

The first book of the Exiles trilogy introduces a magical world of political intrigue and family secrets that may determine the fate of an entire nation.A thousand years ago, Mageborns… Continue Reading Posted in: Life On Other Planets, Magic

The Dragon Token

With her bestselling fantasy trilogy, Dragon Prince, Melanie Rawn introduced us to Sunrunner’s magic and sorcerous evil, to a ruler striving to bring peace to warring kingdoms—and to her magnificent… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, United States

The Lions of Al-Rassan

The ruling Asharites of Al-Rassan have come from the desert sands, but over centuries, seduced by the sensuous pleasures of their new land, their stern piety has eroded. The Asharite… Continue Reading Posted in: Canada, Canadian Fiction, Spain

This Alien Shore

Sheltered all her life in a corporate satellite in Earth's outer orbit, Jamisia must face the truth about her origins and her role in the power struggle between the Guerans… Continue Reading Posted in: Galactic Empire Science Fiction, Movie & Game Tie-In, Science Fiction, Science Fiction TV, Space Colonies


With her widely acclaimed fantasy trilogy, Dragon Prince, Melanie Rawn opened an enchanted gateway to a spellbinding universe of Sunrunner's magic and sorcerous evil, telling the tale of one man's… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, United States

King’s Dragon

King Henry still holds the crown, but his reign has long been contested by his sister Sabella, and there are many eager to flock to her banner. Internal conflict weakens… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantastic Fiction, Wendar (Imaginary Place), Young Men

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld

Almost destroyed because of a man's fear and greed, Sybel, a beautiful young sorceress, embarks on a quest for revenge that proves equally destructive. Winner of the World Fantasy award,… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantasy, Science Fiction


A generation of peace is about to be shattered as a seemingly unstoppable invasion force lays siege to High Prince Rohan's realm. For Andry, the Sunrunner Lord, the invasion is… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, United States

Prince of Dogs

"Prince of Dogs" returns readers to the war-torn kingdoms of Wendar and Varre, and the intertwined destinies of: Alain, raised in humble surroundings but now the Count's heir; Liath, who… Continue Reading Posted in: Fantastic Fiction, Imaginary Wars And Battles, Princes

A Song For Arbonne

A stunning historical fantasy of love, war and political intrigues, the author's favourite of his own books. Arbonne is a lush, fertile land near the sea, and its people revere… Continue Reading Posted in: Canadian, Fantasy Fiction, Science Fiction

Dragon Prince

When Rohan became the new prince of the Desert, ruler of the kingdom granted to his family for as long as the Long Sands spewed fire, he took the crown… Continue Reading Posted in: Dragons, Fantasy, Political Fiction

The Star Scroll

When Rohan was crowned High Prince and his Sunrunner wife Sioned became High Princess, they swore to keep the peace of the lands and preserve the secret of the dragons,… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Magic, United States

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