The Third Man


Author: Graham Greene

Rollo Martins’ usual line is the writing of cheap paperback Westerns under the name of Buck Dexter. But when his old friend Harry Lime invites him to Vienna, he jumps at the chance. With exactly five pounds in his pocket, he arrives only just in time to make it to his friend’s funeral. The victim of an apparently banal street accident, the late Mr. Lime, it seems, had been….Read More

14 Books Similar to The Third Man

The Power and the Glory

During a vicious persecution of the clergy in Mexico, a worldly priest, the whisky priest, is on the run. With the police closing in, his routes of escape are being… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Literary Fiction, Fiction, Priests, Religious Fiction Classics, Social Life And Customs

Travels With My Aunt

Henry Pulling, a retired bank manager, meets his septuagenarian Aunt Augusta for the first time in over fifty years at his mother's funeral. Soon after, she persuades Henry to abandon… Continue Reading Posted in: Alienation (Social Psychology), Classic Action & Adventure, Classic British & Irish Fiction, Fiction, Older Women

The Honorary Consul (Vintage Classics)

WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY NICHOLAS SHAKESPEAREIn a provincial Argentinian community, Charley Fortnum – a British consul with dubious authority and a notorious fondness for drink – is kidnapped by rebels… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Kidnapping, Political Fiction

Brighton Rock

A gang war is raging through the dark underworld of Brighton. Pinkie, malign and ruthless, has killed a man. Believing he can escape retribution, he is unprepared for the courageous… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, British & Irish Literary Fiction, Classic British & Irish Fiction, Psychological Fiction, Suspense Fiction

Our Man In Havana

Mr. Wormold, vacuum cleaner salesman in a city of powercuts, is, as always, short of money. His daughter, sixteen, followed everywhere by wolf whistles, is spending his money with a… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic British & Irish Fiction, Classic Literary Fiction, Humorous Fiction, Satire, Secret Service

End of the Affair

The love affair between Maurice Bendix and Sarah, flourishing in the turbulent times of the London Blitz, ends when she suddenly breaks it off. A chance meeting rekindles his love… Continue Reading Posted in: Fiction In English, Love Stories, Psychological Fiction

The Days of Abandonment

A national bestseller for almost an entire year, The Days of Abandonment shocked and captivated its Italian public when first published. It is the gripping story of a woman's descent… Continue Reading Posted in: Cultural, European Literature, Fiction

A Burnt-Out Case

When Querry, a world-famous architect, finds he no longer enjoys life or takes pleasure in art he sets off on a voyage. Arriving anonymously at a leper colony in the… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic British & Irish Fiction, English Fiction, Lepers, Leprosy Patients, Religious Fiction Classics

The Comedians

Three men meet on a ship bound for Haiti, a world in the grip of the corrupt “Papa Doc” and the Tontons Macoute, his sinister secret police. Brown the hotelier,… Continue Reading Posted in: Political Science, Politics And Government


Through the fictional Cranford, Elisabeth Gaskell depicts with ironic affection the people and old-fashioned customs and values of Knutsford, the small Chesshire town of her childhood. First published as a… Continue Reading Posted in: Ferndale, Social Change, Victorian England

The Third Man & The Fallen Idol

The Third Man is Greene's brilliant recreation of post-war Vienna, a city of desolate poverty occupied by four powers. Rollo Martins, a second-rate novelist, arrives penniless in Vienna to visit… Continue Reading Posted in: British, Detective And Mystery Stories, Fiction, Short Stories, Victorian Literary Criticism

Vile Bodies

In the years following the First World War, a new generation emerges, wistful and vulnerable beneath the glitter. The Bright Young Things of twenties' Mayfair, with their paradoxical mix of… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Humor Fiction, English Fiction, Nineteen Twenties, Satire, Social Life And Customs

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

New edition with the same ISBN, but another cover Note: Editions of The Tenant that start with: "You must go back with me..." are incomplete. Actual opening line of the… Continue Reading Posted in: English Fiction, Fiction Classics, Married Women, Separated Women

Treasure Island

"One more step, Mr. Hands, and I'll blow your brains out! Dead men don't bite, you know.Originally conceived as a story for boys, Stevenson's novel is narrated by the teenage… Continue Reading Posted in: Adventure And Adventurers, Bibliography, Children's Stories, Sea Stories, Victorian Literary Criticism

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