
Womens Fiction

Author: Amanda Prowse

There are two sides to every love story…,,Anna Cole grew up in care, and wants to start a family of her own. Theo Montgomery had a loveless childhood, and wants to find his soulmate.,,Then, one day, Theo meets Anna, and Anna meets Theo.,,Each shows the other how to love. And each shows,the other what heartbreak feels like…,,This is Theo’s story…..Read More

2 Books Similar to Theo

What if?

Historians & philosophers have pondered historical turning points--events that altered the course of civilization. These essays ask "What if..."--Geo Washington hadn't made his escape from the British on Long Island… Continue Reading Posted in: Historical Essays, Imaginary Histories, Imaginary Wars And Battles, Intelligence & Espionage History


In a time of constant warfare, a samurai lord barters away his newborn son's organs in exchange for victory on the battlefield. Yet the abandoned infant survives, saved by a… Continue Reading Posted in: Sequential Art

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