Aesop’s Fables

Ancient & Classical Literature

Author: Aesop

The fables of Aesop have become one of the most enduring traditions of European culture, ever since they were first written down nearly two millennia ago. Aesop was reputedly a tongue-tied slave who miraculously received the power of speech; from his legendary storytelling came the collections of prose and verse fables scattered throughout Greek and Roman literature. First….Read More

9 Books Similar to Aesop’s Fables

Daphnis and Chloe

A tender novel describing eager and inept young love, Daphnis and Chloe tells the story of a baby boy and girl who are discovered separately, two years apart, alone and… Continue Reading Posted in: Ancient World Historical Romance, Bibliography, Classic American Literature, Daphnis And Chloe, Fantasy Fiction

The Churchill Secret KBO

A story of great human triumph in the life of the much loved Winston Churchill on the fiftieth anniversary of his death.,,1953 is synonymous in the British memory with the… Continue Reading Posted in: European Literature, Fiction, Historical

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

In this original edition, Peter and his sisters are told to go gather blackberries and not to go into MacGregor's garden because Peter's father was made into a pie by… Continue Reading Posted in: Animals, Children's Books, Children's Classics, Children's Rabbit Books, Early Learning

Greek Tragedy

Agememnon is the first part of the Aeschylus's Orestian trilogy in which the leader of the Greek army returns from the Trojan war to be murdered by his treacherous wife… Continue Reading Posted in: Bibliography, Drama & Plays Literary Criticism, Theater History & Criticism, Translations Into English

Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver's Travels describes the four voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon. In Lilliput he discovers a world in miniature; towering over the people and their city, he is able… Continue Reading Posted in: Classic Science Fiction eBooks, Fantasy, Literature & Fiction, Novel, Voyages And Travels

The Complete Fables

This is the first translation ever to make available the complete corpus of 358 fables. Aesop was probably a prisoner of war, sold into slavery in the early sixth century… Continue Reading Posted in: Aesop, Classic Greek Literature, Fiction, Folklore, Translations Into English

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